Access Care of America provides day activity services, up to 10 hours per day, Monday through Friday, to people who live in the community. Individuals may attend up to 5 days per week, depending on their eligibility.
The Day Habilitation is a program that provides daytime service to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to assist them in acquiring, retaining, and improving socialization and adaptive skills necessary to reside successfully in the community.
We provide a wide range of skills training classes and other opportunities for your loved ones to improve the degree of their independence in the community. These services are tailored to align with each individual’s plan. Your loved ones will have access to a wide range of resources, including but not limited to:
- Reading and Language
- Social Skills Development
- Supported Employment
- Career Planning Support
- Resume Building
- Money Management
- Exercise Classes
- Arts & Crafts
- Music & Circle Dancing
- Games- Board, Trivia, Cards & Many More
If you have any questions regarding our Day Habilitation program, please contact our toll free at 1-800-845-4031. You can also contact us by filling out our contact us form.
Thank you for choosing us! Gracias!