Access Care of America provides Home and Community-Based Services with 24-hour care to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The Home and Community-based Services (HCS) is a Medicaid waiver program that provides individualized services and support to people with intellectual disabilities who live with their families in their own homes or in other community settings, such as a group home where not more than four people live.
There are many living options available through the Home and Community-Based Services program which includes:
- Foster or Host Home – In this option, services are offered in one’s family home and the care provider lives in the same household and share a common living area. The foster/host care provider can be one’s own family member or an experienced provider who will provide the activities of daily living under the sub-contractor of Access Care of America.
- Supported Home Living – In this option, individuals remain and receive support and services in their own family homes. Access Care of America will send staff members to the their homes to provide the direct support services.
- Residential or Group Home – In this option, support services are offered through our community homes or group home with 3 to 4 people of the like abilities.
A wide array of healthcare services are also available through the program and are offered through contracting with licensed professionals of individuals’ choice. These services include:
- Specialized Therapies
- Dental
- Social Work Services
- Behavioral Support
Additional services are also available to individuals in the program such as:
- Day Habilitation
- Adaptive Aids
- Minor Home Modifications
- Supported Employment
- Case Management
- Adaptive Aide
Access Care of America is committed to providing your loved ones access to all the HCS programs. We will work with everyone to ensure that all their needs are fully meet in accordance with their care plan.
If you have any questions regarding our HCS program, please contact our toll free at 1-800-845-4031. You can also contact us by filling out the contact us form.
Thank you for choosing us! Gracias!